Project Trouble Shooting : NonUniqueResultException by JPA - Using Imagehash to prevent uploading duplicated Images
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While implementing File Image APIs with JPA and MySQL, I've encountered various issues. Specifically, when uploading file images with the POST method, i faced file size limit problems (this document will not cover this, but I've added reference URLs).
Initially, I thought resolving the file size limit issues would be sufficient. However, even after resolving those problems, I encountered another issue when uploading and retrieving images.
When duplicate images are saved in the database, trying to retrieve images results in a 'NonUniqueResultException' with the message: "Query did not return a unique result."
Let's dive into how I solved this problems.
Reference URL : File Image APIs and API Design
Reference URL : MysqlDataTruncation, FileSizeExceededException
#Problem : NonUniqueResultException by JPA
: When uploading images files, Program fails to block uploading of duplicate Image files. This causes issues with retrieving specific images from the database.
#Duplicate Images cause stacking issues (Snapshot)
Currently, when using POST Mapping, duplicate images are stacked in the database without updating existing files on every request
After uploading images, I couldn't retrieve specific Image with the error below.
If there's only one image -> runs Well!
Error again.
#What Things Can Serve as a Unique Identifier for an Image File (byte[]
When a POST request is made to upload an image file, the same file name can lead to stacking issues, meaning the file name cannot serve as a unique identifier.
Instead, image files are saved as byte arrays ('byte[]'). This approach ensures that the uniqueness of an image is not tied to its file name or other superficial attributes.
To uniquely identify each image, we can generate a hash of the image content. This hash acts as a unique identifier, allowing us to manage and retrieve images accurately without relying on the file name or anything else.
#Solution : add Image Hash
Reference URL : File Image APIs and API Design
public class ImageDataService {
private final ImageDataRepository imageDataRepository;
private final MemberRepository memberRepository;
private final FreeBoardRepository freeBoardRepository;
private final OfficeRepository officeRepository;
private final PlaceRepository placeRepository;
public ImageDataResponse uploadImage(MultipartFile multipartFile, String entityType, Long entityId, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest)
throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
// Generate a hash for the image to prevent duplicate uploads
String imageHash = generateImageHash(multipartFile.getBytes());
Optional<ImageData> existingImage = imageDataRepository.findByHash(imageHash);
if (existingImage.isPresent()) {
throw new ImageFileAlreadyRegisteredException();
// Construct the base URL for the image
String baseUrl = String.format(
// Initialize entities
Member member = null;
FreeBoard freeBoard = null;
Office office = null;
Place place = null;
// Determine the entity type and retrieve the corresponding entity
if ("member".equalsIgnoreCase(entityType)) {
member = memberRepository.findById(entityId)
.orElseThrow(() -> new MemberNotFoundException());
} else if ("freeBoard".equalsIgnoreCase(entityType)) {
freeBoard = freeBoardRepository.findById(entityId)
.orElseThrow(() -> new FreeBoardNotFoundException());
} else if ("office".equalsIgnoreCase(entityType)) {
office = officeRepository.findById(entityId)
.orElseThrow(() -> new OfficeNotFoundException());
} else if ("place".equalsIgnoreCase(entityType)) {
place = placeRepository.findById(entityId)
.orElseThrow(() -> new PlaceNotFoundException());
// Save new image data to the database if it does not already exist
ImageData savedNewImageData =
.url(baseUrl + "/" + multipartFile.getOriginalFilename()) // Construct the URL
// Add the image to the respective entity's image collection
if (member != null) {
if (freeBoard != null) {
if (office != null) {
if (place != null) {
return ImageDataResponse.from(savedNewImageData);
// Generate a SHA-256 hash for the given image data to prevent duplicate uploads
private String generateImageHash(byte[] imageData) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
byte[] hashBytes = digest.digest(imageData);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (byte b : hashBytes) {
sb.append(String.format("%02x", b));
return sb.toString();
#Solution Test Result - POST
#Solution Test Result - DELETE
DELETE - One more request.
For my future reference (Issue)
Even though I resolved NonUniqueResultException by adding image hash, but different Requests can also blocked with this image hash. Frankly speaking, I missed this during the project, The reason I wrote this down on this, I would've refered to this description.