Git Initial Setup : 1. Git Organization ~ Git Repositories With Default Branch configured
For this document, I will outline Git initial set-up, Git organization, Git repositories, Git Project, Git branch. It may seem a lazy work to leave a record of every single process, but I will document each step.
When I joined Team Project, I didn't have to set initial setting, I didn't contribute to the previous projects. The team leader handled all the setup on GitHub, and I simply cloned the repository and started working on tasks from there. While this allowed me to access the project comfortably, it also made me apprehensive about setting up projects myself. However, I belive it's time for me to take the initiative for a new project. If we don't try, we are likely to feel apprehension, and the only way to overcome it is to try.
Admittedly, creating a Git Organization is relatively easy, but I've never attemped it before. Everything seemed confusing to me, especially since i joined the bootcamp two weeks later than other students, I was almost the only beginner in programming. Despite Git, Slack, Notion, and other common tools being used for collaborative programming, using them was really demanding for me.
During that time, I struggled to keep up with my colleagues, who were already at advanced level while I was still a beginner. Even Just participating in the team project wasn't easy at all. This document serves as a log for my future reference, helping me reflect on my past experiences and organize tasks to ensure clarity.
Joining the team project was a demanding task for me, but after graduating from bootcamp, I've tried to learn how to tackle difficult challenges on my own. Now, I have a great opportunity to further improve myself. Our team consisted of 3 people, but one member left, so we became two, allowing me to take on various tasks. Usually, when faced with a difficult task, I focus on figuring out "how" to approach it rather than solely on the end result. Once I understand the approach, I can move forward confidently, even when encountering serious problems.
#What Is Git Organization
Simply put, Git Organization serves as a central space where teams can collaborate effectivley.
Essentially, It provides a structured environment for managing code and projects within specific organization.
Once we created Git organization, we can establish repositories, add members, and manage projects.
Create New Organization
I picked Free plan
(Like Above, Organization is an Organization where we can start collaborating)
After creating Git Organization, We can find Repositories, Projects, Packages and etc.
#Creating New Repositories
#After Creating Repositories, We Can Create New Branch
#Setting Up Default Branches for Collaboration + Structured Branching Strategy
To prevent encountering accidents when collaborating, it's essential to establish a structured branching strategy. First, create the 'develop' and 'release' branches. When completing a task in a specific branch, push and create a Pull Request to the 'develop' branch. The added branch will then be merged into 'develop'. Only after all working branches are merged into 'develop', we will merge 'develop' into the 'main' branch. Until then, the 'main' branch remains untouched. Therefore, it's recommended to set 'develop' as the default branch. This is an optional choice, but when 'develop' is set as default, any specific tasks will be linked to the 'develop' branch by default.(Initially, the 'main' branch is set as default, and the use of 'release' branch is undecided.)
#Set develop branch as a deafult branch
Finally, I've completed setting up the Git organization and repositories with the default branch configured. Next, I will proceed to link my Spring Project to GitHub with the initial setup.