Error : Windows cannot find 'javaw'


No way,,,,,,,,,, While I installed H2 Console, I found that I didn't install Java on my windows....... Even after I participated in a team project.... (How did this happen..? I need to figure out these issues too.)

Initially, I didn't diagnose what's the reason why

Windows cannot find 'javaw' ~, so I tried to leave my trace....

Anyway, I finished the verfication process for Java Intsallation (+ trouble shooting for the problem that I mentioned), I need to try to install the H2 Console again.

While I study programming, I've always encountered unexpected problems.............

Resolving this is very time-consuming work, but If I am able to resolve this well, I can easily resolve same problems when encountering............ Frankly, I don't feel fun or anything, but I believe that these efforts can help me to improve my skills, and I can refer to this process when needed.

Error : Windows cannot find 'javaw'

After installing H2 Console, and then try to access this, I encountered the error.

: Windows cannot find 'javaw'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.

: The system cannot find the file javaw.

Open cmd : java -version

'java' is not recognized.

First Approach : Add Java bin directory to the path

To resolve this problems, I need to add the Java bin directory to the path.

You can use the following steps

  1. Control Panel -> System

  1. Advanced System settings

  1. Environment Variables

  1. System variables -> path : Edit : New add ->

    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17\bin

    -> Hm,,,, I already have this...

    I'd better try to take another approaches...

Second Approach : Verify Java Installation in hand operated.

Like you see, cmd java -version -->

it says, 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external comman,~~~

So, I tried to look for Java directory in Program files in person.

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17\bin -> Check javaw.exe file exists in this directory.

Windows key + e No Java.... in this directory.

Third Approach : Java Reinstallation

I've verified Java Installation, and I'd better to reinstall Java.

Windows + R : appwiz.cpl

Programs and Features : type java on Search Programs and Features

In some cases, use upper 'J'

No way............................................. No Java on my windows,

: Wow, I am really shocked that I didn't install Java..................I've participated in Team Project on this environment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,How come is this..............................?

Anyway, Reinstall Java first

Download Java Website :

I chose JDK 17, Windows, x64 Installer

By default, it will take this file path as destination folder.

Again, set environmental variables

Control Panel -> Systems

Advanced system settings

Environmental Variables


  • In the Environment Variables window, click New under System variables.

  • Set the Variable name to JAVA_HOME.

  • Set the Variable value to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.

Edit the Path Variable:

  • In the Environment Variables window, under System variables, scroll to find the Path variable, Select it and click Edit.

  • Click New

add %JAVA_HOME%\bin

Ensure this new entry (%JAVA_HOME%\bin) appears at the top of the list, or at least before any other Java entries. -> Ok, ok, ok

Verify Java Installation on cmd + on directory

: java -version and javac -version

Windows + R:appwiz.cpl

Programs and Features : type java on Search Programs and Features

Both Verification says Java is successfully installed.

As a result,

I encountered this error : Windows cannot find 'javaw'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again while installing H2 Console.

After installing H2 Console, When I click it, it happens.

In conclusion, After these processes, there's no error anymore.