MySQL Installment
Whenever I need to install MySQL, It's a hassle to look it up.
This is for my reference + Reset MySQL Password
Download MySQL Link
Select Custom
Select MySQL Server 8.0.39 - X64
MySQL Workbench 8.0.38 - X64
File Path
By default, It's installed in C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0
Type and Networking : Default
Set your password for root
Default Set Next
Default next
Setup New Connection
input name you want.
and then click store in Vault
Test Connection
You can see prompt message " Successfully ~~"
After checking all these processes.
input SQL
Verify MySQL Installation & Environment Variables
Add mySQL to PATH Environment Variable (Recommended)
: (Optional but recommended) --> When I am trying to change MySQL Password, When I change directory where mysql.exe should be located, I couldn't find it out, Perhaps I need to add this process.
Check it on Control Panel
Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features
Add mySQL to PATH Envrionment Variable
Systems -> Advanced system settings
Advanced Settings -> System Properties -> Environment Variables
On System Variables Section, Path -> Edit
On Path -> Edit -> New
New ==> (Add) C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin
Ok -> Ok -> Ok
File name extensions -> I can't find out mysql.exe
After clicking View -> Show -> File name extentions